arXiv reaDer
Spatio-Temporal Encoding of Brain Dynamics with Surface Masked Autoencoders
The development of robust and generalisable models for encoding the spatio-temporal dynamics of human brain activity is crucial for advancing neuroscientific discoveries. However, significant individual variation in the organisation of the human cerebral cortex makes it difficult to identify population-level trends in these signals. Recently, Surface Vision Transformers (SiTs) have emerged as a promising approach for modelling cortical signals, yet they face some limitations in low-data scenarios due to the lack of inductive biases in their architecture. To address these challenges, this paper proposes the surface Masked AutoEncoder (sMAE) and video surface Masked AutoEncoder (vsMAE) - for multivariate and spatio-temporal pre-training of cortical signals over regular icosahedral grids. These models are trained to reconstruct cortical feature maps from masked versions of the input by learning strong latent representations of cortical structure and function. Such representations translate into better modelling of individual phenotypes and enhanced performance in downstream tasks. The proposed approach was evaluated on cortical phenotype regression using data from the young adult Human Connectome Project (HCP) and developing HCP (dHCP). Results show that (v)sMAE pre-trained models improve phenotyping prediction performance on multiple tasks by ≥26%, and offer faster convergence relative to models trained from scratch. Finally, we show that pre-training vision transformers on large datasets, such as the UK Biobank (UKB), supports transfer learning to low-data regimes. Our code and pre-trained models are publicly available at .
updated: Tue Jun 11 2024 12:42:18 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu Aug 10 2023 10:01:56 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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