arXiv reaDer
Towards General Visual-Linguistic Face Forgery Detection
Deepfakes are realistic face manipulations that can pose serious threats to security, privacy, and trust. Existing methods mostly treat this task as binary classification, which uses digital labels or mask signals to train the detection model. We argue that such supervisions lack semantic information and interpretability. To address this issues, in this paper, we propose a novel paradigm named Visual-Linguistic Face Forgery Detection(VLFFD), which uses fine-grained sentence-level prompts as the annotation. Since text annotations are not available in current deepfakes datasets, VLFFD first generates the mixed forgery image with corresponding fine-grained prompts via Prompt Forgery Image Generator (PFIG). Then, the fine-grained mixed data and coarse-grained original data and is jointly trained with the Coarse-and-Fine Co-training framework (C2F), enabling the model to gain more generalization and interpretability. The experiments show the proposed method improves the existing detection models on several challenging benchmarks. Furthermore, we have integrated our method with multimodal large models, achieving noteworthy results that demonstrate the potential of our approach. This integration not only enhances the performance of our VLFFD paradigm but also underscores the versatility and adaptability of our method when combined with advanced multimodal technologies, highlighting its potential in tackling the evolving challenges of deepfake detection.
updated: Wed Feb 07 2024 07:52:10 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Jul 31 2023 10:22:33 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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