arXiv reaDer
Understanding the Latent Space of Diffusion Models through the Lens of Riemannian Geometry
Despite the success of diffusion models (DMs), we still lack a thorough understanding of their latent space. To understand the latent space x_t ∈X, we analyze them from a geometrical perspective. Our approach involves deriving the local latent basis within X by leveraging the pullback metric associated with their encoding feature maps. Remarkably, our discovered local latent basis enables image editing capabilities by moving x_t, the latent space of DMs, along the basis vector at specific timesteps. We further analyze how the geometric structure of DMs evolves over diffusion timesteps and differs across different text conditions. This confirms the known phenomenon of coarse-to-fine generation, as well as reveals novel insights such as the discrepancy between x_t across timesteps, the effect of dataset complexity, and the time-varying influence of text prompts. To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first to present image editing through x-space traversal, editing only once at specific timestep t without any additional training, and providing thorough analyses of the latent structure of DMs. The code to reproduce our experiments can be found at
updated: Fri Oct 27 2023 02:34:05 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Jul 24 2023 15:06:42 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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