arXiv reaDer
CoTracker: It is Better to Track Together
We introduce CoTracker, a transformer-based model that tracks dense points in a frame jointly across a video sequence. This differs from most existing state-of-the-art approaches that track points independently, ignoring their correlation. We show that joint tracking results in a significantly higher tracking accuracy and robustness. We also provide several technical innovations, including the concept of virtual tracks, which allows CoTracker to track 70k points jointly and simultaneously. Furthermore, CoTracker operates causally on short windows (hence, it is suitable for online tasks), but is trained by unrolling the windows across longer video sequences, which enables and significantly improves long-term tracking. We demonstrate qualitatively impressive tracking results, where points can be tracked for a long time even when they are occluded or leave the field of view. Quantitatively, CoTracker outperforms all recent trackers on standard benchmarks, often by a substantial margin.
updated: Tue Dec 26 2023 12:13:18 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri Jul 14 2023 21:13:04 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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