arXiv reaDer
AvatarFusion: Zero-shot Generation of Clothing-Decoupled 3D Avatars Using 2D Diffusion
Large-scale pre-trained vision-language models allow for the zero-shot text-based generation of 3D avatars. The previous state-of-the-art method utilized CLIP to supervise neural implicit models that reconstructed a human body mesh. However, this approach has two limitations. Firstly, the lack of avatar-specific models can cause facial distortion and unrealistic clothing in the generated avatars. Secondly, CLIP only provides optimization direction for the overall appearance, resulting in less impressive results. To address these limitations, we propose AvatarFusion, the first framework to use a latent diffusion model to provide pixel-level guidance for generating human-realistic avatars while simultaneously segmenting clothing from the avatar's body. AvatarFusion includes the first clothing-decoupled neural implicit avatar model that employs a novel Dual Volume Rendering strategy to render the decoupled skin and clothing sub-models in one space. We also introduce a novel optimization method, called Pixel-Semantics Difference-Sampling (PS-DS), which semantically separates the generation of body and clothes, and generates a variety of clothing styles. Moreover, we establish the first benchmark for zero-shot text-to-avatar generation. Our experimental results demonstrate that our framework outperforms previous approaches, with significant improvements observed in all metrics. Additionally, since our model is clothing-decoupled, we can exchange the clothes of avatars. Code are available on our project page
updated: Thu Sep 14 2023 09:23:18 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu Jul 13 2023 02:19:56 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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