arXiv reaDer
Freestyle 3D-Aware Portrait Synthesis Based on Compositional Generative Priors
Efficiently generating a freestyle 3D portrait with high quality and 3D-consistency is a promising yet challenging task. The portrait styles generated by most existing methods are usually restricted by their 3D generators, which are learned in specific facial datasets, such as FFHQ. To get the diverse 3D portraits, one can build a large-scale multi-style database to retrain a 3D-aware generator, or use a off-the-shelf tool to do the style translation. However, the former is time-consuming due to data collection and training process, the latter may destroy the multi-view consistency. To tackle this problem, we propose a novel text-driven 3D-aware portrait synthesis framework that can generate out-of-distribution portrait styles. Specifically, for a given portrait style prompt, we first composite two generative priors, a 3D-aware GAN generator and a text-guided image editor, to quickly construct a few-shot stylized portrait set. Then we map the special style domain of this set to our proposed 3D latent feature generator and obtain a 3D representation containing the given style information. Finally we use a pre-trained 3D renderer to generate view-consistent stylized portraits from the 3D representation. Extensive experimental results show that our method is capable of synthesizing high-quality 3D portraits with specified styles in a few minutes, outperforming the state-of-the-art.
updated: Sun Dec 24 2023 08:35:38 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue Jun 27 2023 12:23:04 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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