arXiv reaDer
RoMe: Towards Large Scale Road Surface Reconstruction via Mesh Representation
In autonomous driving applications, accurate and efficient road surface reconstruction is paramount. This paper introduces RoMe, a novel framework designed for the robust reconstruction of large-scale road surfaces. Leveraging a unique mesh representation, RoMe ensures that the reconstructed road surfaces are accurate and seamlessly aligned with semantics. To address challenges in computational efficiency, we propose a waypoint sampling strategy, enabling RoMe to reconstruct vast environments by focusing on sub-areas and subsequently merging them. Furthermore, we incorporate an extrinsic optimization module to enhance the robustness against inaccuracies in extrinsic calibration. Our extensive evaluations of both public datasets and wild data underscore RoMe's superiority in terms of speed, accuracy, and robustness. For instance, it costs only 2 GPU hours to recover a road surface of 600*600 square meters from thousands of images. Notably, RoMe's capability extends beyond mere reconstruction, offering significant value for autolabeling tasks in autonomous driving applications. All related data and code are available at
updated: Fri Jun 21 2024 07:53:40 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue Jun 20 2023 08:16:25 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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