arXiv reaDer
LoSh: Long-Short Text Joint Prediction Network for Referring Video Object Segmentation
Referring video object segmentation (RVOS) aims to segment the target instance referred by a given text expression in a video clip. The text expression normally contains sophisticated description of the instance's appearance, action, and relation with others. It is therefore rather difficult for a RVOS model to capture all these attributes correspondingly in the video; in fact, the model often favours more on the action- and relation-related visual attributes of the instance. This can end up with partial or even incorrect mask prediction of the target instance. We tackle this problem by taking a subject-centric short text expression from the original long text expression. The short one retains only the appearance-related information of the target instance so that we can use it to focus the model's attention on the instance's appearance. We let the model make joint predictions using both long and short text expressions; and insert a long-short cross-attention module to interact the joint features and a long-short predictions intersection loss to regulate the joint predictions. Besides the improvement on the linguistic part, we also introduce a forward-backward visual consistency loss, which utilizes optical flows to warp visual features between the annotated frames and their temporal neighbors for consistency. We build our method on top of two state of the art pipelines. Extensive experiments on A2D-Sentences, Refer-YouTube-VOS, JHMDB-Sentences and Refer-DAVIS17 show impressive improvements of our method.Code is available at
updated: Tue Apr 02 2024 03:10:53 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Jun 14 2023 20:40:28 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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