arXiv reaDer
Viewset Diffusion: (0-)Image-Conditioned 3D Generative Models from 2D Data
We present Viewset Diffusion, a diffusion-based generator that outputs 3D objects while only using multi-view 2D data for supervision. We note that there exists a one-to-one mapping between viewsets, i.e., collections of several 2D views of an object, and 3D models. Hence, we train a diffusion model to generate viewsets, but design the neural network generator to reconstruct internally corresponding 3D models, thus generating those too. We fit a diffusion model to a large number of viewsets for a given category of objects. The resulting generator can be conditioned on zero, one or more input views. Conditioned on a single view, it performs 3D reconstruction accounting for the ambiguity of the task and allowing to sample multiple solutions compatible with the input. The model performs reconstruction efficiently, in a feed-forward manner, and is trained using only rendering losses using as few as three views per viewset. Project page:
updated: Fri Sep 01 2023 11:09:36 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue Jun 13 2023 16:18:51 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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