arXiv reaDer
Physics-Informed Computer Vision: A Review and Perspectives
The incorporation of physical information in machine learning frameworks is opening and transforming many application domains. Here the learning process is augmented through the induction of fundamental knowledge and governing physical laws. In this work, we explore their utility for computer vision tasks in interpreting and understanding visual data. We present a systematic literature review of more than 250 papers on formulation and approaches to computer vision tasks guided by physical laws. We begin by decomposing the popular computer vision pipeline into a taxonomy of stages and investigate approaches to incorporate governing physical equations in each stage. Existing approaches in computer vision tasks are analyzed with regard to what governing physical processes are modeled and formulated, and how they are incorporated, i.e. modification of input data (observation bias), modification of network architectures (inductive bias), and modification of training losses (learning bias). The taxonomy offers a unified view of the application of the physics-informed capability, highlighting where physics-informed learning has been conducted and where the gaps and opportunities are. Finally, we highlight open problems and challenges to inform future research. While still in its early days, the study of physics-informed computer vision has the promise to develop better computer vision models that can improve physical plausibility, accuracy, data efficiency, and generalization in increasingly realistic applications.
updated: Mon May 13 2024 01:06:58 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon May 29 2023 11:55:11 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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