arXiv reaDer
Intrinsic Self-Supervision for Data Quality Audits
Benchmark datasets in computer vision often contain off-topic images, near duplicates, and label errors, leading to inaccurate estimates of model performance. In this paper, we revisit the task of data cleaning and formalize it as either a ranking problem, which significantly reduces human inspection effort, or a scoring problem, which allows for automated decisions based on score distributions. We find that a specific combination of context-aware self-supervised representation learning and distance-based indicators is effective in finding issues without annotation biases. This methodology, which we call SelfClean, surpasses state-of-the-art performance in detecting off-topic images, near duplicates, and label errors within widely-used image datasets, such as ImageNet-1k, Food-101N, and STL-10, both for synthetic issues and real contamination. We apply the detailed method to multiple image benchmarks, identify up to 16% of issues, and confirm an improvement in evaluation reliability upon cleaning. The official implementation can be found at:
updated: Mon Oct 28 2024 18:59:22 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri May 26 2023 15:57:04 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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