arXiv reaDer
Semantic Invariant Multi-view Clustering with Fully Incomplete Information
Robust multi-view learning with incomplete information has received significant attention due to issues such as incomplete correspondences and incomplete instances that commonly affect real-world multi-view applications. Existing approaches heavily rely on paired samples to realign or impute defective ones, but such preconditions cannot always be satisfied in practice due to the complexity of data collection and transmission. To address this problem, we present a novel framework called SeMantic Invariance LEarning (SMILE) for multi-view clustering with incomplete information that does not require any paired samples. To be specific, we discover the existence of invariant semantic distribution across different views, which enables SMILE to alleviate the cross-view discrepancy to learn consensus semantics without requiring any paired samples. The resulting consensus semantics remain unaffected by cross-view distribution shifts, making them useful for realigning/imputing defective instances and forming clusters. We demonstrate the effectiveness of SMILE through extensive comparison experiments with 13 state-of-the-art baselines on five benchmarks. Our approach improves the clustering accuracy of NoisyMNIST from 19.3%/23.2% to 82.7%/69.0% when the correspondences/instances are fully incomplete. The code could be accessed from
updated: Thu Dec 21 2023 07:35:33 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon May 22 2023 06:11:01 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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