arXiv reaDer
Towards Consistent Stochastic Human Motion Prediction via Motion Diffusion
Stochastic Human Motion Prediction (HMP) aims to predict multiple possible upcoming pose sequences based on past human motion trajectories. Although previous approaches have shown impressive performance, they face several issues, including complex training processes and a tendency to generate predictions that are often inconsistent with the provided history, and sometimes even becoming entirely unreasonable. To overcome these issues, we propose DiffMotion, an end-to-end diffusion-based stochastic HMP framework. DiffMotion's motion predictor is composed of two modules, including (1) a Transformer-based network for initial motion reconstruction from corrupted motion, and (2) a Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) to refine the generated motion considering past observations. Our method, facilitated by this novel Transformer-GCN module design and a proposed variance scheduler, excels in predicting accurate, realistic, and consistent motions, while maintaining an appropriate level of diversity. Our results on benchmark datasets show that DiffMotion significantly outperforms previous methods in terms of both accuracy and fidelity, while demonstrating superior robustness.
updated: Tue Dec 19 2023 23:52:51 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sun May 21 2023 19:31:56 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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