arXiv reaDer
The Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) Challenge: Local Synthesis of Healthy Brain Tissue via Inpainting
A myriad of algorithms for the automatic analysis of brain MR images is available to support clinicians in their decision-making. For brain tumor patients, the image acquisition time series typically starts with an already pathological scan. This poses problems, as many algorithms are designed to analyze healthy brains and provide no guarantee for images featuring lesions. Examples include, but are not limited to, algorithms for brain anatomy parcellation, tissue segmentation, and brain extraction. To solve this dilemma, we introduce the BraTS inpainting challenge. Here, the participants explore inpainting techniques to synthesize healthy brain scans from lesioned ones. The following manuscript contains the task formulation, dataset, and submission procedure. Later, it will be updated to summarize the findings of the challenge. The challenge is organized as part of the ASNR-BraTS MICCAI challenge.
updated: Sun Sep 22 2024 14:34:23 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon May 15 2023 20:17:03 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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