arXiv reaDer
CLImage: Human-Annotated Datasets for Complementary-Label Learning
Complementary-label learning (CLL) is a weakly-supervised learning paradigm that aims to train a multi-class classifier using only complementary labels, which indicate classes to which an instance does not belong. Despite numerous algorithmic proposals for CLL, their practical applicability remains unverified for two reasons. Firstly, these algorithms often rely on assumptions about the generation of complementary labels, and it is not clear how far the assumptions are from reality. Secondly, their evaluation has been limited to synthetic datasets. To gain insights into the real-world performance of CLL algorithms, we developed a protocol to collect complementary labels from human annotators. Our efforts resulted in the creation of four datasets: CLCIFAR10, CLCIFAR20, CLMicroImageNet10, and CLMicroImageNet20, derived from well-known classification datasets CIFAR10, CIFAR100, and TinyImageNet200. These datasets represent the very first real-world CLL datasets. Through extensive benchmark experiments, we discovered a notable decrease in performance when transitioning from synthetic datasets to real-world datasets. We investigated the key factors contributing to the decrease with a thorough dataset-level ablation study. Our analyses highlight annotation noise as the most influential factor in the real-world datasets. In addition, we discover that the biased-nature of human-annotated complementary labels and the difficulty to validate with only complementary labels are two outstanding barriers to practical CLL. These findings suggest that the community focus more research efforts on developing CLL algorithms and validation schemes that are robust to noisy and biased complementary-label distributions.
updated: Sat Jun 22 2024 08:53:38 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon May 15 2023 01:48:53 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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