arXiv reaDer
Evaluate Geometry of Radiance Fields with Low-frequency Color Prior
A radiance field is an effective representation of 3D scenes, which has been widely adopted in novel-view synthesis and 3D reconstruction. It is still an open and challenging problem to evaluate the geometry, i.e., the density field, as the ground-truth is almost impossible to obtain. One alternative indirect solution is to transform the density field into a point-cloud and compute its Chamfer Distance with the scanned ground-truth. However, many widely-used datasets have no point-cloud ground-truth since the scanning process along with the equipment is expensive and complicated. To this end, we propose a novel metric, named Inverse Mean Residual Color (IMRC), which can evaluate the geometry only with the observation images. Our key insight is that the better the geometry, the lower-frequency the computed color field. From this insight, given a reconstructed density field and observation images, we design a closed-form method to approximate the color field with low-frequency spherical harmonics, and compute the inverse mean residual color. Then the higher the IMRC, the better the geometry. Qualitative and quantitative experimental results verify the effectiveness of our proposed IMRC metric. We also benchmark several state-of-the-art methods using IMRC to promote future related research. Our code is available at
updated: Wed Jan 17 2024 07:20:30 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Apr 10 2023 02:02:57 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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