arXiv reaDer
Confidence-Aware and Self-Supervised Image Anomaly Localisation
Universal anomaly detection still remains a challenging prob- lem in machine learning and medical image analysis. It is possible to learn an expected distribution from a single class of normative samples, e.g., through epistemic uncertainty estimates, auto-encoding models, or from synthetic anomalies in a self-supervised way. The performance of self-supervised anomaly detection approaches is still inferior compared to methods that use examples from known unknown classes to shape the decision boundary. However, outlier exposure methods often do not identify unknown unknowns. Here we discuss an improved self-supervised single-class training strategy that supports the approximation of proba- bilistic inference with loosen feature locality constraints. We show that up-scaling of gradients with histogram-equalised images is beneficial for recently proposed self-supervision tasks. Our method is integrated into several out-of-distribution (OOD) detection models and we show evi- dence that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art on various bench- mark datasets. Source code will be publicly available by the time of the conference.
updated: Thu Mar 23 2023 12:48:47 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu Mar 23 2023 12:48:47 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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