arXiv reaDer
Dynamic Event-based Optical Identification and Communication
Optical identification is often done with spatial or temporal visual pattern recognition and localization. Temporal pattern recognition, depending on the technology, involves a trade-off between communication frequency, range and accurate tracking. We propose a solution with light-emitting beacons that improves this trade-off by exploiting fast event-based cameras and, for tracking, sparse neuromorphic optical flow computed with spiking neurons. The system is embedded in a simulated drone and evaluated in an asset monitoring use case. It is robust to relative movements and enables simultaneous communication with, and tracking of, multiple moving beacons. Finally, in a hardware lab prototype, we demonstrate for the first time beacon tracking performed simultaneously with state-of-the-art frequency communication in the kHz range.
updated: Thu Sep 07 2023 11:29:25 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Mar 13 2023 15:12:30 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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