arXiv reaDer
Adapting Contrastive Language-Image Pretrained (CLIP) Models for Out-of-Distribution Detection
We present a comprehensive experimental study on pretrained feature extractors for visual out-of-distribution (OOD) detection, focusing on adapting contrastive language-image pretrained (CLIP) models. Without fine-tuning on the training data, we are able to establish a positive correlation (R^2≥0.92) between in-distribution classification and unsupervised OOD detection for CLIP models in 4 benchmarks. We further propose a new simple and scalable method called pseudo-label probing (PLP) that adapts vision-language models for OOD detection. Given a set of label names of the training set, PLP trains a linear layer using the pseudo-labels derived from the text encoder of CLIP. To test the OOD detection robustness of pretrained models, we develop a novel feature-based adversarial OOD data manipulation approach to create adversarial samples. Intriguingly, we show that (i) PLP outperforms the previous state-of-the-art ming2022mcm on all 5 large-scale benchmarks based on ImageNet, specifically by an average AUROC gain of 3.4% using the largest CLIP model (ViT-G), (ii) we show that linear probing outperforms fine-tuning by large margins for CLIP architectures (i.e. CLIP ViT-H achieves a mean gain of 7.3% AUROC on average on all ImageNet-based benchmarks), and (iii) billion-parameter CLIP models still fail at detecting adversarially manipulated OOD images. The code and adversarially created datasets will be made publicly available.
updated: Thu Nov 09 2023 10:23:29 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri Mar 10 2023 10:02:18 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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