arXiv reaDer
Data Consistent Deep Rigid MRI Motion Correction
Motion artifacts are a pervasive problem in MRI, leading to misdiagnosis or mischaracterization in population-level imaging studies. Current retrospective rigid intra-slice motion correction techniques jointly optimize estimates of the image and the motion parameters. In this paper, we use a deep network to reduce the joint image-motion parameter search to a search over rigid motion parameters alone. Our network produces a reconstruction as a function of two inputs: corrupted k-space data and motion parameters. We train the network using simulated, motion-corrupted k-space data generated with known motion parameters. At test-time, we estimate unknown motion parameters by minimizing a data consistency loss between the motion parameters, the network-based image reconstruction given those parameters, and the acquired measurements. Intra-slice motion correction experiments on simulated and realistic 2D fast spin echo brain MRI achieve high reconstruction fidelity while providing the benefits of explicit data consistency optimization. Our code is publicly available at
updated: Thu Nov 16 2023 08:39:51 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Jan 25 2023 00:21:31 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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