arXiv reaDer
StitchNet: Composing Neural Networks from Pre-Trained Fragments
We propose StitchNet, a novel neural network creation paradigm that stitches together fragments (one or more consecutive network layers) from multiple pre-trained neural networks. StitchNet allows the creation of high-performing neural networks without the large compute and data requirements needed under traditional model creation processes via backpropagation training. We leverage Centered Kernel Alignment (CKA) as a compatibility measure to efficiently guide the selection of these fragments in composing a network for a given task tailored to specific accuracy needs and computing resource constraints. We then show that these fragments can be stitched together to create neural networks with accuracy comparable to that of traditionally trained networks at a fraction of computing resource and data requirements. Finally, we explore a novel on-the-fly personalized model creation and inference application enabled by this new paradigm. The code is available at
updated: Sat Sep 23 2023 05:25:34 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu Jan 05 2023 08:02:30 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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