arXiv reaDer
Instance-dependent Label Distribution Estimation for Learning with Label Noise
Noise transition matrix (NTM) estimation is a promising approach for learning with label noise. It can infer clean posterior probabilities, known as Label Distribution (LD), based on noisy ones and reduce the impact of noisy labels. However, this estimation is challenging, since the ground truth labels are not always available. Most existing methods estimate a global NTM using either correctly labeled samples (anchor points) or detected reliable samples (pseudo anchor points). These methods heavily rely on the existence of anchor points or the quality of pseudo ones, and the global NTM can hardly provide accurate label transition information for each sample, since the label noise in real applications is mostly instance-dependent. To address these challenges, we propose an Instance-dependent Label Distribution Estimation (ILDE) method to learn from noisy labels for image classification. The method's workflow has three major steps. First, we estimate each sample's noisy posterior probability, supervised by noisy labels. Second, since mislabeling probability closely correlates with inter-class correlation, we compute the inter-class correlation matrix to estimate the NTM, bypassing the need for (pseudo) anchor points. Moreover, for a precise approximation of the instance-dependent NTM, we calculate the inter-class correlation matrix using only mini-batch samples rather than the entire training dataset. Third, we transform the noisy posterior probability into instance-dependent LD by multiplying it with the estimated NTM, using the resulting LD for enhanced supervision to prevent DCNNs from memorizing noisy labels. The proposed ILDE method has been evaluated against several state-of-the-art methods on two synthetic and three real-world noisy datasets. Our results indicate that the proposed ILDE method outperforms all competing methods, no matter whether the noise is synthetic or real noise.
updated: Mon Nov 04 2024 07:32:22 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri Dec 16 2022 10:13:25 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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