arXiv reaDer
Training and Tuning Generative Neural Radiance Fields for Attribute-Conditional 3D-Aware Face Generation
Generative Neural Radiance Fields (GNeRF) based 3D-aware GANs have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in generating high-quality images while maintaining strong 3D consistency. Notably, significant advancements have been made in the domain of face generation. However, most existing models prioritize view consistency over disentanglement, resulting in limited semantic/attribute control during generation. To address this limitation, we propose a conditional GNeRF model incorporating specific attribute labels as input to enhance the controllability and disentanglement abilities of 3D-aware generative models. Our approach builds upon a pre-trained 3D-aware face model, and we introduce a Training as Init and Optimizing for Tuning (TRIOT) method to train a conditional normalized flow module to enable the facial attribute editing, then optimize the latent vector to improve attribute-editing precision further. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that our model produces high-quality edits with superior view consistency while preserving non-target regions. Code is available at
updated: Wed Oct 18 2023 04:00:45 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri Aug 26 2022 10:05:39 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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