arXiv reaDer
FD-MAR: Fourier Dual-domain Network for CT Metal Artifact Reduction
The presence of high-density objects such as metal implants and dental fillings can introduce severely streak-like artifacts in computed tomography (CT) images, greatly limiting subsequent diagnosis. Although various deep neural networks-based methods have been proposed for metal artifact reduction (MAR), they usually suffer from poor performance due to limited exploitation of global context in the sinogram domain, secondary artifacts introduced in the image domain, and the requirement of precise metal masks. To address these issues, this paper explores fast Fourier convolution for MAR in both sinogram and image domains, and proposes a Fourier dual-domain network for MAR, termed FD-MAR. Specifically, we first propose a Fourier sinogram restoration network, which can leverage sinogram-wide receptive context to fill in the metal-corrupted region from uncorrupted region and, hence, is robust to the metal trace. Second, we propose a Fourier refinement network in the image domain, which can refine the reconstructed images in a local-to-global manner by exploring image-wide context information. As a result, the proposed FD-MAR can explore the sinogram- and image-wide receptive fields for MAR. By optimizing FD-MAR with a composite loss function, extensive experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed FD-MAR over the state-of-the-art MAR methods in terms of quantitative metrics and visual comparison. Notably, FD-MAR does not require precise metal masks, which is of great importance in clinical routine.
updated: Sun Jul 24 2022 07:20:39 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sun Jul 24 2022 07:20:39 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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