arXiv reaDer
Cross Vision-RF Gait Re-identification with Low-cost RGB-D Cameras and mmWave Radars
Human identification is a key requirement for many applications in everyday life, such as personalized services, automatic surveillance, continuous authentication, and contact tracing during pandemics, etc. This work studies the problem of cross-modal human re-identification (ReID), in response to the regular human movements across camera-allowed regions (e.g., streets) and camera-restricted regions (e.g., offices) deployed with heterogeneous sensors. By leveraging the emerging low-cost RGB-D cameras and mmWave radars, we propose the first-of-its-kind vision-RF system for cross-modal multi-person ReID at the same time. Firstly, to address the fundamental inter-modality discrepancy, we propose a novel signature synthesis algorithm based on the observed specular reflection model of a human body. Secondly, an effective cross-modal deep metric learning model is introduced to deal with interference caused by unsynchronized data across radars and cameras. Through extensive experiments in both indoor and outdoor environments, we demonstrate that our proposed system is able to achieve ~92.5% top-1 accuracy and ~97.5% top-5 accuracy out of 56 volunteers. We also show that our proposed system is able to robustly reidentify subjects even when multiple subjects are present in the sensors' field of view.
updated: Sat Jul 16 2022 10:34:25 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sat Jul 16 2022 10:34:25 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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