arXiv reaDer
Subgraph Frequency Distribution Estimation using Graph Neural Networks
Small subgraphs (graphlets) are important features to describe fundamental units of a large network. The calculation of the subgraph frequency distributions has a wide application in multiple domains including biology and engineering. Unfortunately due to the inherent complexity of this task, most of the existing methods are computationally intensive and inefficient. In this work, we propose GNNS, a novel representational learning framework that utilizes graph neural networks to sample subgraphs efficiently for estimating their frequency distribution. Our framework includes an inference model and a generative model that learns hierarchical embeddings of nodes, subgraphs, and graph types. With the learned model and embeddings, subgraphs are sampled in a highly scalable and parallel way and the frequency distribution estimation is then performed based on these sampled subgraphs. Eventually, our methods achieve comparable accuracy and a significant speedup by three orders of magnitude compared to existing methods.
updated: Thu Jul 14 2022 06:23:38 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu Jul 14 2022 06:23:38 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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