arXiv reaDer
PSP-HDRI +:人間中心のコンピュータービジョンモデルの事前トレーニング用の合成データセットジェネレーター
PSP-HDRI+: A Synthetic Dataset Generator for Pre-Training of Human-Centric Computer Vision Models
We introduce a new synthetic data generator PSP-HDRI+ that proves to be a superior pre-training alternative to ImageNet and other large-scale synthetic data counterparts. We demonstrate that pre-training with our synthetic data will yield a more general model that performs better than alternatives even when tested on out-of-distribution (OOD) sets. Furthermore, using ablation studies guided by person keypoint estimation metrics with an off-the-shelf model architecture, we show how to manipulate our synthetic data generator to further improve model performance.
updated: Mon Jul 11 2022 17:22:58 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Jul 11 2022 17:22:58 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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