arXiv reaDer
Variational Approach for Intensity Domain Multi-exposure Image Fusion
Recent innovations shows that blending of details captured by single Low Dynamic Range (LDR) sensor overcomes the limitations of standard digital cameras to capture details from high dynamic range scene. We present a method to produce well-exposed fused image that can be displayed directly on conventional display devices. The ambition is to preserve details in poorly illuminated and brightly illuminated regions. Proposed approach does not require true radiance reconstruction and tone manipulation steps. The aforesaid objective is achieved by taking into account local information measure that select well-exposed regions across input exposures. In addition, Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram equalization (CLAHE) is introduced to improve uniformity of input multi-exposure image prior to fusion.
updated: Sat Jul 09 2022 06:31:34 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sat Jul 09 2022 06:31:34 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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