arXiv reaDer
Reproducing sensory induced hallucinations via neural fields
Understanding sensory-induced cortical patterns in the primary visual cortex V1 is an important challenge both for physiological motivations and for improving our understanding of human perception and visual organisation. In this work, we focus on pattern formation in the visual cortex when the cortical activity is driven by a geometric visual hallucination-like stimulus. In particular, we present a theoretical framework for sensory-induced hallucinations which allows one to reproduce novel psychophysical results such as the MacKay effect (Nature, 1957) and the Billock and Tsou experiences (PNAS, 2007).
updated: Fri Jul 08 2022 13:41:02 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri Jul 08 2022 13:41:02 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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