arXiv reaDer
Anomaly-aware multiple instance learning for rare anemia disorder classification
Deep learning-based classification of rare anemia disorders is challenged by the lack of training data and instance-level annotations. Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) has shown to be an effective solution, yet it suffers from low accuracy and limited explainability. Although the inclusion of attention mechanisms has addressed these issues, their effectiveness highly depends on the amount and diversity of cells in the training samples. Consequently, the poor machine learning performance on rare anemia disorder classification from blood samples remains unresolved. In this paper, we propose an interpretable pooling method for MIL to address these limitations. By benefiting from instance-level information of negative bags (i.e., homogeneous benign cells from healthy individuals), our approach increases the contribution of anomalous instances. We show that our strategy outperforms standard MIL classification algorithms and provides a meaningful explanation behind its decisions. Moreover, it can denote anomalous instances of rare blood diseases that are not seen during the training phase.
updated: Mon Jul 04 2022 22:56:09 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Jul 04 2022 22:56:09 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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