arXiv reaDer
Crime scene classification from skeletal trajectory analysis in surveillance settings
Video anomaly analysis is a core task actively pursued in the field of computer vision, with applications extending to real-world crime detection in surveillance footage. In this work, we address the task of human-related crime classification. In our proposed approach, the human body in video frames, represented as skeletal joints trajectories, is used as the main source of exploration. First, we introduce the significance of extending the ground truth labels for HR-Crime dataset and hence, propose a supervised and unsupervised methodology to generate trajectory-level ground truth labels. Next, given the availability of the trajectory-level ground truth, we introduce a trajectory-based crime classification framework. Ablation studies are conducted with various architectures and feature fusion strategies for the representation of the human trajectories. The conducted experiments demonstrate the feasibility of the task and pave the path for further research in the field.
updated: Mon Jul 04 2022 19:37:06 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Jul 04 2022 19:37:06 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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