arXiv reaDer
Segmentation Guided Deep HDR Deghosting
We present a motion segmentation guided convolutional neural network (CNN) approach for high dynamic range (HDR) image deghosting. First, we segment the moving regions in the input sequence using a CNN. Then, we merge static and moving regions separately with different fusion networks and combine fused features to generate the final ghost-free HDR image. Our motion segmentation guided HDR fusion approach offers significant advantages over existing HDR deghosting methods. First, by segmenting the input sequence into static and moving regions, our proposed approach learns effective fusion rules for various challenging saturation and motion types. Second, we introduce a novel memory network that accumulates the necessary features required to generate plausible details in the saturated regions. The proposed method outperforms nine existing state-of-the-art methods on two publicly available datasets and generates visually pleasing ghost-free HDR results. We also present a large-scale motion segmentation dataset of 3683 varying exposure images to benefit the research community.
updated: Mon Jul 04 2022 06:49:27 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Jul 04 2022 06:49:27 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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