arXiv reaDer
Imitation Learning for Generalizable Self-driving Policy with Sim-to-real Transfer
Imitation Learning uses the demonstrations of an expert to uncover the optimal policy and it is suitable for real-world robotics tasks as well. In this case, however, the training of the agent is carried out in a simulation environment due to safety, economic and time constraints. Later, the agent is applied in the real-life domain using sim-to-real methods. In this paper, we apply Imitation Learning methods that solve a robotics task in a simulated environment and use transfer learning to apply these solutions in the real-world environment. Our task is set in the Duckietown environment, where the robotic agent has to follow the right lane based on the input images of a single forward-facing camera. We present three Imitation Learning and two sim-to-real methods capable of achieving this task. A detailed comparison is provided on these techniques to highlight their advantages and disadvantages.
updated: Wed Jun 22 2022 01:36:14 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Jun 22 2022 01:36:14 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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