arXiv reaDer
An Empirical Study on Disentanglement of Negative-free Contrastive Learning
Negative-free contrastive learning has attracted a lot of attention with simplicity and impressive performance for large-scale pretraining. But its disentanglement property remains unexplored. In this paper, we take different negative-free contrastive learning methods to study the disentanglement property of this genre of self-supervised methods empirically. We find the existing disentanglement metrics fail to make meaningful measurements for the high-dimensional representation model so we propose a new disentanglement metric based on Mutual Information between representation and data factors. With the proposed metric, we benchmark the disentanglement property of negative-free contrastive learning for the first time, on both popular synthetic datasets and a real-world dataset CelebA. Our study shows that the investigated methods can learn a well-disentangled subset of representation. We extend the study of the disentangled representation learning to high-dimensional representation space and negative-free contrastive learning for the first time. The implementation of the proposed metric is available at
updated: Thu Jun 09 2022 20:25:34 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu Jun 09 2022 20:25:34 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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