arXiv reaDer
Talking Face Generation with Multilingual TTS
In this work, we propose a joint system combining a talking face generation system with a text-to-speech system that can generate multilingual talking face videos from only the text input. Our system can synthesize natural multilingual speeches while maintaining the vocal identity of the speaker, as well as lip movements synchronized to the synthesized speech. We demonstrate the generalization capabilities of our system by selecting four languages (Korean, English, Japanese, and Chinese) each from a different language family. We also compare the outputs of our talking face generation model to outputs of a prior work that claims multilingual support. For our demo, we add a translation API to the preprocessing stage and present it in the form of a neural dubber so that users can utilize the multilingual property of our system more easily.
updated: Fri May 13 2022 02:08:35 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri May 13 2022 02:08:35 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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