arXiv reaDer
Utility-Oriented Underwater Image Quality Assessment Based on Transfer Learning
The widespread image applications have greatly promoted the vision-based tasks, in which the Image Quality Assessment (IQA) technique has become an increasingly significant issue. For user enjoyment in multimedia systems, the IQA exploits image fidelity and aesthetics to characterize user experience; while for other tasks such as popular object recognition, there exists a low correlation between utilities and perceptions. In such cases, the fidelity-based and aesthetics-based IQA methods cannot be directly applied. To address this issue, this paper proposes a utility-oriented IQA in object recognition. In particular, we initialize our research in the scenario of underwater fish detection, which is a critical task that has not yet been perfectly addressed. Based on this task, we build an Underwater Image Utility Database (UIUD) and a learning-based Underwater Image Utility Measure (UIUM). Inspired by the top-down design of fidelity-based IQA, we exploit the deep models of object recognition and transfer their features to our UIUM. Experiments validate that the proposed transfer-learning-based UIUM achieves promising performance in the recognition task. We envision our research provides insights to bridge the researches of IQA and computer vision.
updated: Sat May 07 2022 06:52:36 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sat May 07 2022 06:52:36 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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