arXiv reaDer
From heavy rain removal to detail restoration: A faster and better network
The profound accumulation of precipitation during intense rainfall events can markedly degrade the quality of images, leading to the erosion of textural details. Despite the improvements observed in existing learning-based methods specialized for heavy rain removal, it is discerned that a significant proportion of these methods tend to overlook the precise reconstruction of the intricate details. In this work, we introduce a simple dual-stage progressive enhancement network, denoted as DPENet, aiming to achieve effective deraining while preserving the structural accuracy of rain-free images. This approach comprises two key modules, a rain streaks removal network (R^2Net) focusing on accurate rain removal, and a details reconstruction network (DRNet) designed to recover the textural details of rain-free images. Firstly, we introduce a dilated dense residual block (DDRB) within R^2Net, enabling the aggregation of high-level and low-level features. Secondly, an enhanced residual pixel-wise attention block (ERPAB) is integrated into DRNet to facilitate the incorporation of contextual information. To further enhance the fidelity of our approach, we employ a comprehensive loss function that accentuates both the marginal and regional accuracy of rain-free images. Extensive experiments conducted on publicly available benchmarks demonstrates the noteworthy efficiency and effectiveness of our proposed DPENet. The source code and pre-trained models are currently available at
updated: Mon Dec 18 2023 23:04:51 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sat May 07 2022 04:55:05 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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