arXiv reaDer
Unsupervised Deep Unrolled Reconstruction Using Regularization by Denoising
Deep learning methods have been successfully used in various computer vision tasks. Inspired by that success, deep learning has been explored in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) reconstruction. In particular, integrating deep learning and model-based optimization methods has shown considerable advantages. However, a large amount of labeled training data is typically needed for high reconstruction quality, which is challenging for some MRI applications. In this paper, we propose a novel reconstruction method, named DURED-Net, that enables interpretable unsupervised learning for MR image reconstruction by combining an unsupervised denoising network and a plug-and-play method. We aim to boost the reconstruction performance of unsupervised learning by adding an explicit prior that utilizes imaging physics. Specifically, the leverage of a denoising network for MRI reconstruction is achieved using Regularization by Denoising (RED). Experiment results demonstrate that the proposed method requires a reduced amount of training data to achieve high reconstruction quality.
updated: Sat May 07 2022 01:49:31 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sat May 07 2022 01:49:31 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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