arXiv reaDer
HRCTCov19 -- A High-Resolution Chest CT Scan Image Dataset for COVID-19 Diagnosis and Differentiation
Introduction: During the COVID-19 pandemic, computed tomography (CT) was a popular method for diagnosing COVID-19 patients. HRCT (High-Resolution Computed Tomography) is a form of computed tomography that uses advanced methods to improve image resolution. Publicly accessible COVID-19 CT image datasets are very difficult to come by due to privacy concerns, which impedes the study and development of AI-powered COVID-19 diagnostic algorithms based on CT images. Data description: To address this problem, we have introduced HRCTCov19, a new COVID-19 high-resolution chest CT scan image dataset that includes not only COVID-19 cases of Ground Glass Opacity (GGO), Crazy Paving, and Air Space Consolidation but also CT images of cases with negative COVID-19. The HRCTCov19 dataset, which includes slice-level, and patient-level labels, has the potential to aid COVID-19 research, especially for diagnosis and differentiation using artificial intelligence algorithms, machine learning, and deep learning methods. This dataset is accessible through the web at: and includes 181,106 chest HRCT images from 395 patients with four labels: GGO, Crazy Paving, Air Space Consolidation, and Negative. Keywords: COVID-19, CT scan, Computed Tomography, Chest Image, Dataset, Medical Imaging
updated: Tue Dec 05 2023 10:30:12 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri May 06 2022 12:49:18 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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