arXiv reaDer
Mixup-based Deep Metric Learning Approaches for Incomplete Supervision
Deep learning architectures have achieved promising results in different areas (e.g., medicine, agriculture, and security). However, using those powerful techniques in many real applications becomes challenging due to the large labeled collections required during training. Several works have pursued solutions to overcome it by proposing strategies that can learn more for less, e.g., weakly and semi-supervised learning approaches. As these approaches do not usually address memorization and sensitivity to adversarial examples, this paper presents three deep metric learning approaches combined with Mixup for incomplete-supervision scenarios. We show that some state-of-the-art approaches in metric learning might not work well in such scenarios. Moreover, the proposed approaches outperform most of them in different datasets.
updated: Sat Aug 27 2022 13:41:35 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu Apr 28 2022 15:36:16 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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