arXiv reaDer
Physics-informed Reinforcement Learning for Perception and Reasoning about Fluids
Learning and reasoning about physical phenomena is still a challenge in robotics development, and computational sciences play a capital role in the search for accurate methods able to provide explanations for past events and rigorous forecasts of future situations. We propose a physics-informed reinforcement learning strategy for fluid perception and reasoning from observations. As a model problem, we take the sloshing phenomena of different fluids contained in a glass. Starting from full-field and high-resolution synthetic data for a particular fluid, we develop a method for the tracking (perception) and analysis (reasoning) of any previously unseen liquid whose free surface is observed with a commodity camera. This approach demonstrates the importance of physics and knowledge not only in data-driven (grey box) modeling but also in the correction for real physics adaptation in low data regimes and partial observations of the dynamics. The method here presented is extensible to other domains such as the development of cognitive digital twins, able to learn from observation of phenomena for which they have not been trained explicitly.
updated: Fri Mar 11 2022 07:01:23 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri Mar 11 2022 07:01:23 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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