arXiv reaDer
Artificial Intelligence Solution for Effective Treatment Planning for Glioblastoma Patients
Glioblastomas are the most common malignant brain tumors in adults. Approximately 200000 people die each year from Glioblastoma in the world. Glioblastoma patients have a median survival of 12 months with optimal therapy and about 4 months without treatment. Glioblastomas appear as heterogeneous necrotic masses with irregular peripheral enhancement, surrounded by vasogenic edema. The current standard of care includes surgical resection, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, which require accurate segmentation of brain tumor subregions. For effective treatment planning, it is vital to identify the methylation status of the promoter of Methylguanine Methyltransferase (MGMT), a positive prognostic factor for chemotherapy. However, current methods for brain tumor segmentation are tedious, subjective and not scalable, and current techniques to determine the methylation status of MGMT promoter involve surgically invasive procedures, which are expensive and time consuming. Hence there is a pressing need to develop automated tools to segment brain tumors and non-invasive methods to predict methylation status of MGMT promoter, to facilitate better treatment planning and improve survival rate. I created an integrated diagnostics solution powered by Artificial Intelligence to automatically segment brain tumor subregions and predict MGMT promoter methylation status, using brain MRI scans. My AI solution is proven on large datasets with performance exceeding current standards and field tested with data from teaching files of local neuroradiologists. With my solution, physicians can submit brain MRI images, and get segmentation and methylation predictions in minutes, and guide brain tumor patients with effective treatment planning and ultimately improve survival time.
updated: Wed Mar 09 2022 22:29:48 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Mar 09 2022 22:29:48 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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