arXiv reaDer
Deep Signatures -- Learning Invariants of Planar Curves
We propose a learning paradigm for numerical approximation of differential invariants of planar curves. Deep neural-networks' (DNNs) universal approximation properties are utilized to estimate geometric measures. The proposed framework is shown to be a preferable alternative to axiomatic constructions. Specifically, we show that DNNs can learn to overcome instabilities and sampling artifacts and produce numerically-stable signatures for curves subject to a given group of transformations in the plane. We compare the proposed schemes to alternative state-of-the-art axiomatic constructions of group invariant arc-lengths and curvatures.
updated: Fri Feb 11 2022 22:34:15 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri Feb 11 2022 22:34:15 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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