arXiv reaDer
Interactron: Embodied Adaptive Object Detection
Over the years various methods have been proposed for the problem of object detection. Recently, we have witnessed great strides in this domain owing to the emergence of powerful deep neural networks. However, there are typically two main assumptions common among these approaches. First, the model is trained on a fixed training set and is evaluated on a pre-recorded test set. Second, the model is kept frozen after the training phase, so no further updates are performed after the training is finished. These two assumptions limit the applicability of these methods to real-world settings. In this paper, we propose Interactron, a method for adaptive object detection in an interactive setting, where the goal is to perform object detection in images observed by an embodied agent navigating in different environments. Our idea is to continue training during inference and adapt the model at test time without any explicit supervision via interacting with the environment. Our adaptive object detection model provides a 7.2 point improvement in AP (and 12.7 points in AP50) over DETR, a recent, high-performance object detector. Moreover, we show that our object detection model adapts to environments with completely different appearance characteristics, and performs well in them. The code is available at: .
updated: Fri Jul 22 2022 19:37:10 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue Feb 01 2022 18:56:14 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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