arXiv reaDer
Nearest neighbor search with compact codes: A decoder perspective
Modern approaches for fast retrieval of similar vectors on billion-scaled datasets rely on compressed-domain approaches such as binary sketches or product quantization. These methods minimize a certain loss, typically the mean squared error or other objective functions tailored to the retrieval problem. In this paper, we re-interpret popular methods such as binary hashing or product quantizers as auto-encoders, and point out that they implicitly make suboptimal assumptions on the form of the decoder. We design backward-compatible decoders that improve the reconstruction of the vectors from the same codes, which translates to a better performance in nearest neighbor search. Our method significantly improves over binary hashing methods or product quantization on popular benchmarks.
updated: Mon Feb 21 2022 19:37:09 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri Dec 17 2021 15:22:28 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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