arXiv reaDer
Class-agnostic Object Detection with Multi-modal Transformer
What constitutes an object? This has been a long-standing question in computer vision. Towards this goal, numerous learning-free and learning-based approaches have been developed to score objectness. However, they generally do not scale well across new domains and novel objects. In this paper, we advocate that existing methods lack a top-down supervision signal governed by human-understandable semantics. For the first time in literature, we demonstrate that Multi-modal Vision Transformers (MViT) trained with aligned image-text pairs can effectively bridge this gap. Our extensive experiments across various domains and novel objects show the state-of-the-art performance of MViTs to localize generic objects in images. Based on the observation that existing MViTs do not include multi-scale feature processing and usually require longer training schedules, we develop an efficient MViT architecture using multi-scale deformable attention and late vision-language fusion. We show the significance of MViT proposals in a diverse range of applications including open-world object detection, salient and camouflage object detection, supervised and self-supervised detection tasks. Further, MViTs can adaptively generate proposals given a specific language query and thus offer enhanced interactability. Code:
updated: Tue Jul 19 2022 12:02:49 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Nov 22 2021 18:59:29 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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