arXiv reaDer
HCV: Hierarchy-Consistency Verification for Incremental Implicitly-Refined Classification
Human beings learn and accumulate hierarchical knowledge over their lifetime. This knowledge is associated with previous concepts for consolidation and hierarchical construction. However, current incremental learning methods lack the ability to build a concept hierarchy by associating new concepts to old ones. A more realistic setting tackling this problem is referred to as Incremental Implicitly-Refined Classification (IIRC), which simulates the recognition process from coarse-grained categories to fine-grained categories. To overcome forgetting in this benchmark, we propose Hierarchy-Consistency Verification (HCV) as an enhancement to existing continual learning methods. Our method incrementally discovers the hierarchical relations between classes. We then show how this knowledge can be exploited during both training and inference. Experiments on three setups of varying difficulty demonstrate that our HCV module improves performance of existing continual learning methods under this IIRC setting by a large margin. Code is available in
updated: Fri Oct 22 2021 13:51:02 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu Oct 21 2021 13:54:00 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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