arXiv reaDer
Towards Reducing Aleatoric Uncertainty for Medical Imaging Tasks
In safety-critical applications like medical diagnosis, certainty associated with a model's prediction is just as important as its accuracy. Consequently, uncertainty estimation and reduction play a crucial role. Uncertainty in predictions can be attributed to noise or randomness in data (aleatoric) and incorrect model inferences (epistemic). While model uncertainty can be reduced with more data or bigger models, aleatoric uncertainty is more intricate. This work proposes a novel approach that interprets data uncertainty estimated from a self-supervised task as noise inherent to the data and utilizes it to reduce aleatoric uncertainty in another task related to the same dataset via data augmentation. The proposed method was evaluated on a benchmark medical imaging dataset with image reconstruction as the self-supervised task and segmentation as the image analysis task. Our findings demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in significantly reducing the aleatoric uncertainty in the image segmentation task while achieving better or on-par performance compared to the standard augmentation techniques.
updated: Sun May 08 2022 21:58:37 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu Oct 21 2021 09:31:00 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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