arXiv reaDer
Detecting Backdoor Attacks Against Point Cloud Classifiers
Backdoor attacks (BA) are an emerging threat to deep neural network classifiers. A classifier being attacked will predict to the attacker's target class when a test sample from a source class is embedded with the backdoor pattern (BP). Recently, the first BA against point cloud (PC) classifiers was proposed, creating new threats to many important applications including autonomous driving. Such PC BAs are not detectable by existing BA defenses due to their special BP embedding mechanism. In this paper, we propose a reverse-engineering defense that infers whether a PC classifier is backdoor attacked, without access to its training set or to any clean classifiers for reference. The effectiveness of our defense is demonstrated on the benchmark ModeNet40 dataset for PCs.
updated: Wed Oct 20 2021 03:12:06 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Oct 20 2021 03:12:06 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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