arXiv reaDer
スターキット:RoboCup Humanoid KidSize2021ワールドワイドチャンピオンチームペーパー
Starkit: RoboCup Humanoid KidSize 2021 Worldwide Champion Team Paper
この記事では、RoboCup 2019SydneyとRoboCup2021Worldwideの間で開発中だった機能について説明します。これらの機能には、検出とローカリゼーション、機械的およびアルゴリズム的な新規性などの視覚関連の問題が含まれます。コンテストは事実上開催されたため、この記事ではシミュレーション固有の機能についても検討します。試行されたアプローチの概要を、前提条件の分析、視点、およびパフォーマンスの評価とともに示します。
This article is devoted to the features that were under development between RoboCup 2019 Sydney and RoboCup 2021 Worldwide. These features include vision-related matters, such as detection and localization, mechanical and algorithmic novelties. Since the competition was held virtually, the simulation-specific features are also considered in the article. We give an overview of the approaches that were tried out along with the analysis of their preconditions, perspectives and the evaluation of their performance.
updated: Fri Oct 15 2021 21:34:03 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri Oct 15 2021 21:34:03 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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